Jul 25, 2024
"Blood Brothers" a dark comedy short film written by Owen Kneeland and directed by Riley Donavan recently premiered at the Oscar-qualifying LA Shorts International Film Festival! I had the pleasure of contributing an original musical score to the film!
After a robbery gone wrong, two incompetent brothers Luke & Donny are responsible for the murder of one of the most feared gangsters in town, Vincent Kane.
Terrified Vincent's brother Luther is going to avenge him they enlist the help of Tito, a fast food loving fixer. But the problems keep coming. With limited time and patience for each other they need to get rid of the body if they want to survive the night.
This movie is hilarious, wonderfully shot, and brilliantly acted. I feel very lucky to have been involved in the process, and to have Riley's fantastic direction which helped lead to a soundtrack that is far different than anything I have ever done! The music features heavy and distorted synthesizers, a wild and unhinged drumkit, and even a harmonica (performed feverishly by yours truly).
I'm excited to share that the film is now available to stream. Viewer discretion advised (language).